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Transit Circulation at Light Rail Stations in Inverness.......

May 13, 2005

Dry Creek Station

Charlier Associates, Inc. is working with a team of consultants to address pedestrian and transit circulation from two light rail stations in southeast Denver. The two light rail stations, Dry Creek and County Line, are located along RTD’s Southeast corridor. Light rail service is scheduled to begin in December 2006 and will connect the southeast suburbs to downtown Denver. CAI is working on several alternatives for this project, and will ultimately develop a set of recommendations that facilitate multimodal access.

The Inverness Office Park is home to 16,000 employees and is a destination for commuters in the Denver metropolitan area. CAI is facing a variety of design challenges with the current site layout. The existing office buildings and the circuitous street grid do not offer multimodal access to the stations. CAI is currently evaluating peer transit systems to study multimodal integration. The best practices from the peer study will be summarized and then used to develop shuttle system alternatives. The shuttle system alternatives will provide connection between the light rail stations and office park buildings. Peer systems being evaluated include Call and Ride, fixed-route circulators, van services, and other demand responsive systems.


Dry Creek Light Rail Station Information

County Line Light Rail Station

Inverness Properties, LLC
To learn more about this project click here

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