Jackson WY, Adopts Community Streets Plan
The work builds upon recommendations of the Jackson/Teton County Comprehensive Plan to implement the community vision for future development of the transportation system, and it reflects CAI public outreach for determining the community’s most pressing needs to address in creating complete streets: • Missing Links in Pedestrian Network • Missing Links in Bicycle Network • Intersection Safety • Safe Routes to School • Accommodation in All Seasons • Transit Amenities and Access • Elderly and ADA Mobility Needs By developing and adopting new street design guidelines, the Town of Jackson intends to encourage every transportation project to make the street network better and safer for all modes. This does not mean, however, that every street will be designed to the same standards. Each project will need to carefully consider the network needs of the various travel modes and the character of the adjacent neighborhoods to determine appropriate design elements and maintenance solutions. The 2015 Community Streets Plan is intended to serve as an adaptable guide and “toolkit” of preferred street right-of-way design solutions that shall be implemented to create a multimodal transportation system that works for all modes of travel. Charlier Associates assessed the current state-of-the-art regarding complete streets policies and design manuals, and developed the toolkit to aid the Town in routinely assessing multimodal street design needs in a consistent manner, while offering flexibility to meet location-specific and modal-specific needs. The 62-page document sets design standards for various elements of street rights-of-ways, maps project priorities, and presents and action plan for programming projects into the CIP. The plan is unique in that it identifies and addresses street and right-of-way design for corridors based upon 1) land use context that corresponds to six distinct character districts identified in the Jackson/Teton County Comprehensive Plan, and 2) specific design needs of the travelway for various modes of travel – bike, pedestrian, bus, truck and auto. Priority infrastructure investment will be targeted toward constructing continuous sidewalks, enhancing pedestrian environments, and creating commercial vitality; constructing a new street project to enhance internal Town connectivity; completing sidewalk enhancements for transit access; addressing enhanced winter maintenance on select on-street bicycle lanes; and designation of a traffic-calmed primary cross-town bike/walk corridor. Final Report:
December_2015_Community_Streets_Plan.pdf | 15.40 MB |