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Phoenix Affordable Housing Summit

On November 10 Jim Charlier made a presentation on “elder mobility” at an Affordable Housing Summit held in conjunction with Greenbuild in Phoenix, Arizona. Also speaking as part of the same session was Spencer Haynsworth, representing Santa Fe Community Housing. Greenbuild is the world's largest conference and expo dedicated to green building. Thousands of building professionals from all over the world come together at Greenbuild for three days of educational sessions, renowned speakers, green building tours, special seminars, and networking events.

As America’s population of “elders” grows over the next couple of decades, the issue of “affordable housing” is broadening into a more fundamental issue of “affordable living.” Transportation costs now exceed the costs of housing for many households, especially those with annual incomes of less than $50,000. In the context of Greenbuild, which is focused on sustainable practices in buildings and infrastructure, transportation represents the second largest category of energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions (after buildings). Affordable housing agencies must begin to evaluate potential project sites in terms of their locations within their urban areas to ensure that elders do not become “housebound” due to poor transit service, unwalkable neighborhoods and the high costs of owning and operating autos.

A copy of Jim’s presentation may be downloaded here:
(note: this is a large file; we suggest downloading it, then opening it rather than opening it in your browser)

Phoenix_USGBC_Charlier_Web.pdf 4.76 MB


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