City of Bainbridge Recommendations Completed

January 12, 2006

CAI has completed the Access and Circulation Recommendations for the City of Bainbridge. The five month project concluded on January 9 with Jim Charlier’s presentation of the recommendations to the Bainbridge City Council.

The recommendations are an extension of the wonderfully successful public process, Winslow Tomorrow, that gave citizens the opportunity to direct growth in their community. The recommendations created by CAI are a reflection of this citizen input, and provide an action plan to meet community desires over the next 6 years. Public meetings and stakeholder focus groups were held throughout the duration of the project to further refine recommendations.
A copy of the final presentation to City Council is available for download below. For more information click here.

January City Council Presentation:

(5 mb)
JanuaryCityCouncil.pdf 4.43 MB

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