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WAMPO Regional Pathway System Plan


Charlier Associates developed a Regional Pathway System Plan for the Wichita Area Metropolitan Area (WAMPO). The plan establishes a backbone system to connect existing and future bicycle/pedestrian facilities throughout the metropolitan planning area. The plan was developed as a cooperative effort that included extensive participation by various stakeholders including the MPO, federal, state and transit agency representatives, pathway users, and local jurisdictions throughout the region.

The Plan incorporates current and previous plans by individual jurisdictions with new regional, system-level pathway planning approaches. Specifically, the document addresses the following:

The plan is tailored to answer these questions and meet the needs of the WAMPO region for creating connectivity, optimizing safety, and encouraging bicycling and walking to local and regional destinations.

The Regional Pathway System Plan is intended to be adopted by the WAMPO Policy Body, and will need the ongoing support of the 21 local jurisdictions to move forward with the implementation of its recommendations. The regional approach provides a framework for identifying locations where major pathway improvements are appropriate and should be prioritized for implementation by one or more jurisdictions. Local buy-in will determine which projects move forward when, and local communities will need to address site-specific design and implementation details.

For more information, please visit the WAMPO Pathways' Website

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